
Our goal with this collaboration is to provide students an opportunity to gain real world experience creating artwork for an immersive environment. We aim to inspire and challenge students to explore their unique perspectives and cultivate their talents by taking over Beeple Studios Experiential Space and expressing their artistic vision.

Students will work to deliver their artwork to a specification that simulates real world immersive installation requirements and will be challenged to think “outside the frame” to create a compelling vision of the future.

Project overview

  • Each student will create a one minute installation of their artwork to take over BEEPLE Studios Experiential space

  • Students will supply video files for all walls following guidelines listed in technical requirements

  • Final deliverable will be  6 videos (one for each wall) & Hero image to SCAD professors following technical requirements

  • Artwork played back to back during spring screening event @ BEEPLE Studios

  • Check-in and send questions to BEEPLE team to ensure proper formatting

system overview

screen surfaces

technical requirements

Frame Rate

1 minute

No sound needed. Venue will provide audio during artist’s showcase.

HAP in a QuickTime (.mov) Container AfterCodecs

Hero Image
Include one JPG “Hero Image” which is a frame capture from the submission and represents the artwork.   File should be named: ArtistName-Title_(HERO).jpg


File Name Template

deliveryTemplate: the video surface the file is intended for (‘CL01’, ‘BW’, etc.)
artistName: the name of the submitting artist or studio
title: short description of the file (example: ‘background1’ or ‘loopA’)
vXX: version number. All files must have a version number. Each subsequent file delivery should uptick the version number.

File Delivery
All files should be contained in one folder labeled as: artistName_title

after effects template

The Dropbox file linked below contains an After Effects template for placing and rendering content in the screen rasters.

Beeple Studios AE Template v04

Project timeline

  • 2/9 – SCAD kickoff visit to BEEPLE Studios
  • 2/20 – Check-in (BEEPLE x SCAD)
  • 3/5 – Check-in (BEEPLE x SCAD)
  • 3/14 – Students submit artwork to SCAD
  • 3/21 – SCAD Reviews prior to sending to BEEPLE
  • 3/25 – All submissions sent to Beeple
  • 5/10 – Spring Screening Event @ BEEPLE Studios

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